Imprint is the professional magazine for student nurses. Imprint, the official membership magazine, includes news, updates, program area columns and departments, an editorial by the elected Imprint student editor, and special features on topics/themes chosen by each Imprint student editor.
Dean's Notes is published five times a year by Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. as a service to the National Student Nurses' Association, Inc. (NSNA). This award-winning newsletter is delivered to nursing school deans, administrators, and faculty on a complimentary basis.
The official handbook for state, school, and national NSNA leaders. “Pieces” can be used as a guideline for starting an NSNA chapter, to assist with management of school and state chapters, as a reference for NSNA Bylaws, and/or to apply for NSNA constituency status.
The NSNA Guidelines for Planning Booklets aim to assist State Associations and School Chapters in submitting resolutions as well as planning and implementing projects within various program areas.
Consists of the NSNA Core Values and Interpretative Statements; Code of Professional Conduct; Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct; Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Students of Nursing; Guide to Grievance Process; and Notes on Revisions and Amendments.
NSNA constituent associations have many opportunities for involvement in leadership activities and programs. One of the many rewards of active participation in NSNA is the annual awards and honors program offered to individual members, schools, and state chapters.*