Lucie Van Roekel Secretary/Treasurer Baylor University, Louise Herrington School of Nursing Dallas, TX Connect on Social Media
What is the Role of the Finance Committee?The finance committee's responsibility is to review and make recommendations to the Board on operating and capital budgets, review investment guidelines for Reserve Fund, and propose new products and services for the association (see NSNA Bylaws for more details).
Meet Lucie Van Roekel:
Hello fellow NSNA members and nursing students! It’s my pleasure and honor to serve as the 2024-2025 NSNA Secretary-Treasurer. I am a senior at Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing (LHSON) in Dallas, TX and am graduating in December 2024 with my BSN. After moving from Waco to Dallas and starting nursing school in 2023, I became involved in Baylor Student Nurses’ Association (BSNA) as well as two other clubs on LHSON’s campus. My first semester of nursing school, I attended NSNA’s 72nd Annual Convention in Nashville and quickly fell in love with NSNA, the benefits it provides, and the opportunities it presents to its members. I became involved in Baylor Student Nurses’ Association as Treasurer then moved to Vice President and am now the President. My main goal for BSNA is to get as many people involved with NSNA as possible. Some of my hobbies include reading, running, crocheting, going out with friends, and spending time with my dog. I am extremely passionate about women’s services and aspire to become either a NICU or Postpartum nurse then pursue a Doctorate of Nursing Practice and practice as a Neonatal or Family Nurse Practitioner. After my first semester of nursing school, I accepted a position as a Student Nurse Technician at a local hospital in which I have gained experience on Mother-Baby, Med-Surg, Rehab, PCU, Telemetry, and ED units. As NSNA Secretary-Treasurer, I not only hold the regular responsibilities of a Secretary-Treasurer but am also the chair of the Finance Committee and a member of both the Executive and Convention Planning committees. My goals for my term involve maintaining the accomplishments of my predecessor—NSNA’s previous Secretary-Treasurer, Bernesha—by continuing to ensure that NSNA’s revenue and spending remain balanced. I also want to work to increase membership & membership-alumni connections, augment membership benefits, and increase NSNA’s revenue. I loved meeting and getting to know so many of you during my week of campaigning in Orlando in April! I hope to continue meeting more of you at the MidYear Convention in Louisville, KY and the Annual Convention in Seattle next April. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions or ideas and make sure to say hi if you see me! I look forward to seeing and hearing from you all and can’t wait to see how we impact future nurses this year! |
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