Nursing Health Policy and Advocacy Recommended Reading
Below are resources that you can use when creating Health Policy and Advocacy projects at your school or educating the community. These resources are made available from the
American Nurses Association (www.nursingworld.org),
the National League for Nursing (www.nln.org), and the National Student Nurses' Association.
American Nurses Association (www.nursingworld.org),
the National League for Nursing (www.nln.org), and the National Student Nurses' Association.
American Nurses Association Legislative Resources
Resources Available:
National League for Nursing Legislative Resources
Resources Available:
National Student Nurses Association Health Policy and Advocacy Resources
Resources Available:
Professional Nursing Organization Resource Lists
Nursing Organizations Web Addresses
State Nurses Associations Web Addresses
Government and Other Resources
These sites provide information on the work registered nurses perform, current working conditions, training and other required job qualifications, advancement opportunities, job outlook, job earning, safety, and information about nursing and related occupations.
Resources Available:
Resources Available:
Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (OS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Administration on Aging (AOA) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Indian Health Service (IHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Minority Health (OMH), Program Support Center (PSC), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Helpful Legislative Resources Links
Non-Profit Organization Resources
Recommended Readings
Several state and federal government relations pamphlets are available from the League of Women Voters of the United States. Request their publication list.
Check your school and public libraries for useful resources, you would be surprised what a "nursing and politics" or "nursing and legislation" search will find!
Resources Available:
- Capitol Update
- Congressional Testimony
- Legislative Activities
- News/Action Alerts
- Political Action/Grassroots Activity
- Political Action Committee
National League for Nursing Legislative Resources
Resources Available:
- How to Reach Elected Officials
- Issues and Legislation Effecting the Nursing Profession Elections and
- Candidate Information
- Links to Media Contacts
National Student Nurses Association Health Policy and Advocacy Resources
Resources Available:
- Getting the Pieces to Fit: NSNA Handbook for school and state associations
- Awards and Honors Booklet
- NSNA Guidelines to Resolutions
- Resolutions adopted by NSNA House of Delegates past 10 years
- Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct and Interpretive Statements
- Code of Professional Conduct
- Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Nursing Students
- Guidelines for Planning NSNA Activities:
- NSNA Bylaws
- Health Policy and Advocacy Activities
- Voter Registration and Get-Out-the-Vote Campaign
- Student Nursing State Associations Web Addresses
Professional Nursing Organization Resource Lists
Nursing Organizations Web Addresses
State Nurses Associations Web Addresses
Government and Other Resources
These sites provide information on the work registered nurses perform, current working conditions, training and other required job qualifications, advancement opportunities, job outlook, job earning, safety, and information about nursing and related occupations.
- The Registered Nurse Population : Findings from the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/nssrn/about.html
- Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Formerly: Health Care Financing Administration http://www.cms.hhs.gov/
Resources Available:
- Medicare/Medicaid
- State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
- Consumer Product Safety Commission http://www.cpsc.gov/
- Department of Commerce http://www.doc.gov/
- Department of Health and Human Services: http://www.dhhs.gov/
Resources Available:
Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (OS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Administration on Aging (AOA) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Indian Health Service (IHS) National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Minority Health (OMH), Program Support Center (PSC), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Department of Justice: www.usdoj.gov/
- Environmental Protection Agency: http://www.epa.gov/
- Food and Drug Administration: http://www.fda.gov/
- National Transportation Safety Board: http://ntsb.gov/
- Social Security Administration: http://www.ssa.gov/
Helpful Legislative Resources Links
- Voter Registration Information: http://www.eac.gov/voter_resources/contact_your_state.aspx
- THOMAS - Legislative Information on the Internet (U.S. Congress): http://thomas.loc.gov/
- US House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/
- US Senate: http://www.senate.gov/
- White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov/
Non-Profit Organization Resources
- American Society of Association Executives: https://www.asaecenter.org/
Recommended Readings
- Aiken, Tonia D. (1994). Legal, ethical and political issues in nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis
- Barry, Jan. (2000). A Citizen's Guide to Grassroots Campaigns. New York: Rutgers University Press.
- Boykin, Anne. (1995). Power, Politics, and Public Policy - A Matter of Caring. National League for Nursing.
- Capital Update, The Legislative Newsletter for Nurses, published biweekly by the American Nurses Association, Department of Governmental Affairs, Washington, DC.
- De Vries, Chris and Vanderbilt, Marjorie. The Grassroots Lobbying Handbook: Empowering Nurses through Legislative & Political Action. Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.
- DeLaney, Ann. (2002). Politics For Dummies. 2nd Edition. New York: Hungry Minds.
- Guyer, Robert L., Guyer, Laura K. and Hoffmann, Michael H. (2000). Guide to State Legislative Lobbying. Washington: Engineering THE LAW, Inc.
- Imprint, The Publication for the National Student Nurses Association, published bimonthly by the National Student Nurses Association, New York.
- Kennedy, John F. (1956). Profiles in Courage. New York: Harper.
- Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives for the 107`h Congress. (2001). Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.
- Lewis, J.A. (1999). Politics, policy making and nursing. In Berger, K.J., & Williams, M. Collaborating for Optimal Health: The Fundamentals of Nursing, 2nd Ed. E. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 49-67.
- Mason, Diana J., Talbott, Susan W. and Leavitt, Judith K. (2002). Policy and Politics for Nurses: Action and Change in the Workplace, Government, Organizations, and Community. 4th Edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
- Mason, D. & Chaffe, M. (2006) Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Health Sciences Division.
- Nickitas, D., Middaugh, D. & Aries, N. (2010). Public Policy and Politics for Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning
- Nicoll, Leslie H. (2001). Nurses' Guide to the Internet. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
- Policy, politics & nursing practice, A Nursing Periodical, published quarterly by Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Positioned for power: obtaining government appointments for nurses. (1993). Washington, DC: American Nurses Association.
- RoAne, S. (2000). How to work a room. [Audio recording]. Audio Renaissance.
- Wittenberg, Ernest and Wittenberg, Elisabeth. (1990). How to Win in Washington: Very Practical Advice about Lobbying, the Grassroots, and the Media. New York: Blackwell Publishers
- The Power of Nursing, (videotape) examines the concept of power and how nurses are uniquely positioned to influence health policy. Available for rent or purchase from the National League for Nursing.
- A Case Study in Shaping Health Policy - The National Center for Nursing Research, is an award-winning classic on how the legislative process works, and how nursing promoted a bill to establish the National Center for Nursing Research. Available for rent or purchase from the National League for Nursing.
- Washington Information Directory, Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1414 22nd St. NW, Washington, DC., 20037
Several state and federal government relations pamphlets are available from the League of Women Voters of the United States. Request their publication list.
Check your school and public libraries for useful resources, you would be surprised what a "nursing and politics" or "nursing and legislation" search will find!